CHI'S Therapy

CHI'S Therapy

CHI'S Therapy


CHI'S Therapy提供不同身心靈健康的課程,包括普拉提運動班;運動按摩治療;藝術治療;正向心理學;靜觀等等。課程由小班或單對單形式進行,切合不同人仕的需要。

CHI'S Therapy provides different physical and mental health courses, including Pilates exercise class; sports massage therapy; art therapy; positive psychology; mindfulness and so on. The courses are conducted in small groups or one-to-one to meet the needs of different individuals.


Pilates with props
Mat Pilates
Private Group Class
網上課程 - 椅上PILATES伸展運動
網上課程 - 站立式PILATES核心訓練運動
DUO Private Reformer Pilates
Private Functional Pilates (One on One)
15Mins Spine Reset Therapy
Body Detox Therapy
Private Pilates Group Class
Private Pilates One on One
Mindful Pilates
Mat Pilates by Yvonne
Pilates with Props by Yvonne
頌缽陰瑜伽 by BaoChow